Gravel Rides

Off the roads, onto the gravel.

Gravel Rides.

Looking for something different?

Tired of sharing the road with trucks and vehicles?

Not quite ready for a single track path through the forest?

Maybe a Gravel Ride is what you are looking for!

Our Gravel Rides explore paved and hard packed trails and lesser used roads in, through and around Brant County. Think of this as a go anywhere ride on your go anywhere bike.

About our Gravel Rides.

Group road riding is an excellent way to develop smooth biking handling skills, as well as increased fitness stamina and power.

Like all our rides, all participants are representing the Brant Cycling Club and are therefore committed to adhering to the Group Ride Guidelines. Safe group riding takes practice, and requires a lot of cooperation and open communication. All of our rides are No Drop rides, except Advanced II.

Please note: We encourage all riders joining BCC group ride for the first time, regardless of ability and experience, to attend a Learn to Group Rides session first, prior to joining other rides. It is an important step in learning how our Club and group rides function and the expectations of all BCC members.

Gravel Rides are designed for members able to maintain a Recreational 4 or 5 pace or an Intermediate 1 or 2 pace. Distance will be vary depending on the route selected for that event but commonly meet or exceed 50km. Please consult our Ride Descriptions for more details on our Group Pacing and Descriptions. Gravel Rides are No Drop Rides.